Lion of Judah

Lion of Judah
See His Heart. Hear His Voice. Join us once a month for a new prophecy and painting.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Release My Sound- Prophecy No. 55

I, Elohim, spoke and all things came into existence.

I am Light and I radiate frequencies and sounds. My Son is the Light that came into the world. He is My Word from heaven.
You also are a word from heaven. You are My masterpiece and I weaved My image into you which also emanates the sounds of My heart. I placed you in this generation because of the message you are supposed to speak to the world at this time.
However, the enemy has repeatedly blocked the sound of My Voice from being heard.
Jesus brought the Good News to let each of you know that We were reconciling all of creation back to Ourselves. Sound emanates from Our very Being to cause that which has fallen into disrepair in you and in creation to be reestablished and reconstituted.
In Christ, our relationship can be restored and therefore you can be free to once again release the sounds which I put in your heart. Who you truly are in Me, your life and your gifts are My message to a dying world. I need you to help Me with this endeavor. Just like I sent My Son, I am sending you to be an agent of reconciliation.
Through the blood of My Son, the detailed handwritten record of Adam's fall and every sin thereafter and every stain that drowns out My sound in you has been fully blotted out and removed forever!
Jesus' brilliant victory disarmed the principalities and made a public spectacle of every dark ruler utterly destroying their power over you!

The blood and the cross of My Son Jesus speaks, "It is finished" for all eternity! Receive the impact of their sound into your being for they will never be silent! Selah.
The blood and the cross speak of greater things to come for you. Your latter days shall be greater than what you have experienced in your life up until this point!

Accept My finished work. Stand under My tallit, My covering and My marital huppah. Let My fire consume everything that blocks your life giving message from being heard today.
Also, consider your words for "their sound goes out into all of creation." What you speak affects everything to the ends of the earth and beyond. Even though you can no longer hear your words, they are still affecting things. Bring your mouth and what you speak under My Lordship.
Your words, your actions, your attitudes and your intents all reflect the message you are releasing. Selah. Stop and think about it.
You are more powerful than you realize in who I have made you to be. You are My ambassador. Do not take this lightly.
Just know that My Spirit was given to empower you to make right choices in all you say and do that you might.....
Release the sound of My heart through your life into all creation and terraform it back to its original design.

Won't you please join Me on this adventure?

(Genesis 1:1-3 & 26-31; Ezekiel 36:11 & 43:2; John 1:1, 8:12 & 19:30; Col. 2:11-15; Hebrews 12:24; Romans 10:18; 2 Cor. 5:19-20 Proverbs 18:21; James 3:1-13)