Lion of Judah

Lion of Judah
See His Heart. Hear His Voice. Join us once a month for a new prophecy and painting.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

3 Seats of Rest- Prophecy No. 54

My Child,
I want to give you more joy, victory and excellent emotional, mental, physical and spiritual health!
For this reason My Son died for you. In fact, He paved the way for you to come back to your original design.
My design in you determines your value.
In this new season ahead that is just now unfolding, I want to teach you to trust Me more deeply and to yield to My provisions for your life. Lean into My resources instead of leaning into your insufficient supply!

Seat 1- Sit here with Me your Father and rest in your true value and My creation of you.
I provided all that you needed when I wove My image into you.
You are My treasure, My masterpiece and My heir.

Seat 2- Sit with Jesus My Son and rest in His atonement and what He accomplished on the cross.
There is not one ounce of performance that is needed from you that will add to your cleansing from sin.
When Jesus said, "It is finished," all sin, rebellion and iniquity were atoned for. Rest in His finished work.
When you sin now or in the future, ask for forgiveness and lay your transgressions at the foot of the cross. Then thank My Son for what He did for you and He will release more rest into your mind, soul and body.

Seat 3- Rest with the Holy Spirit at the resurrection.
That same power that rose Jesus from the dead lives in you. Accept that it is not by might nor by your power that you will accomplish anything. Rather lean into the Holy Spirit's resurrection power for every hour, each day, every task and each trial.
He is fully capable of supplying all that you need for every circumstance you find yourself in.
Finally as you yield to My molding hands, I will bring you back to reflecting My image in heaven and on earth.
So We the Trinity invite you to sit with each of Us daily when necessary.
Rest in your true value with Me your Father!
Rest at the cross in Christ's finished work!
Rest in the Holy Spirit's resurrection power!

(Genesis 1:26-27; 1 Peter 2:9-10; John 19:30; Gal. 5:1; 2 Tim. 1:9; Psalm 139; Eph. 1:7, 2:6 & 8 & 10; Gal. 1:4 & 2:20; Zech 4:6; Phil. 1:6, 3:10 & 4:13;)

Friday, June 14, 2013

Partner with Me for the Promised Land- Prophecy No. 53

Read Joshua Chapter 3.
Follow My Presence for there is an open door before you. (Joshua 3:3)
I will bring you into a place you have not been before. For I want to use you to bring My government upon the earth. (Joshua 3:4)

Sanctify yourself- set yourself apart from worldly ways. Stop sinning and be productive in holy living driven by My divine purposes for you.
Then I will do wonders all around you and I will multiply My glory upon the earth through you! (Joshua 3:5)
It is My desire to fulfill you, to bless you and to overflow you.

So partner with Me and I will exalt you in the sight of all the people. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you. (Joshua 3:7)
However, you must step into the Jordan River for it to dry up. (Joshua 3:8)

Step into what I have placed before you and I will bring you into the Promised Land.
Come and hear My words. Know My promises. Listen to My heart. Believe what I have said.
Exercise your faith and I will bring My promises to fruition. You will be filled with My life and then you will birth it into the earth. (Joshua 3:9)

By this you will know that the Living God is among you because without fail, I will drive the enemy out from before you. (Joshua 3:10)
Where Adam's sin brought a curse on mankind, I intervened to stop the flow of death from being passed down to you. (Joshua 3:16)

I am brooding over you until the fullness of My essence is transferred to you that you may look like Me. Then as My life overflows you, you can brood over the circumstances of the earth that are still in chaos and bring My kingdom order to them.
So step in and cross over for the Promised Land of all creation still awaits its fullest expression.
(Joshua 3:17)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Take Communion Daily- Prophecy No. 52

Do this in remembrance of Me.

Take the cup of My blood.

Take My body.

When you partake of these elements in remembrance of what My Son did for you on the cross, You allow for Me to cleanse you of anything that covers over your true identity.

When I cleanse your DNA, then you can connect more fully to Me and remember that the great I Am is in you.

Then My image can shine through you and nothing will be able to stop you!

When My Son was crucified, the veil was torn in two in the temple to bring you into My Most Holy Place- communion and intimacy with Me.

Likewise when you come to the cross for the cleansing of your sins, I also remove the veil that covers over you and who you really are in Me.

I cleanse you of generational sins passed down to you. I cleanse you of sins committed against you and I also cleanse you of the sins that you have committed.

Sin is that which causes you to miss the mark. The mark of what you ask? Sin causes you to miss the reason why you were born.

Sin causes you to miss the mark of the highest level of life and destiny I want you to come into.

So My goal as you partake of My body and My blood is to bring you back to Me, to bring you back to who you really are and into the place of your true authority.

For I want to seat you in heavenly places with Me that you might rule and govern the affairs of heaven and earth as I do.

For I have blessed you with every spiritual blessing IN the heavenly places IN Yeshua, My Son.

I have raised you up to sit together with My Son Jesus IN the heavenly places that you might learn of Me and My ways and bring My kingdom to the earth.

Truly, My blood and My body accomplish far more in you than you could ever fathom.

Trust Me, you will never be the same!

So please, meet Me daily at My table and partake of Me and so you can live out the fullness of what you were created for!

(Luke 22:15-20; Isaiah 60:1; Matthew 27:51; Ephesians 1:3 & 19-23, & 2:6; Zechariah 3:1-7)

Come to My table so I can purify you so you can fulfill your destiny!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Training For Reigning- Prophecy No. 51

My child, you question why you find yourself in such difficult situations. You are in training for reigning.

Invite Me into everything you are going through and I will impart wisdom. And if you let Me, I will bring My kingdom to earth through you.

To accomplish this goal, I need mature vessels of honor. So you must first let Me cleanse you. Let Me purify your motives by raining down upon you, washing off the stains and filling you to overflowing.

I also want to remove your limited mind sets and give you My all-encompassing perspective. This will enable you to change your behavior and make holy choices in all you do.

There is so much more I have for you! Cooperate with Me and you will not be disappointed.

To begin with, I am releasing My angelic hosts to assist you. Employ them. They are at your service.

As My Royal heir, you have access to more resources than you are aware of or are utilizing at this present time.

Come to Me in these latter days and I will show you My storehouses.

For the Feast of the Trumpets is about to commence.

Repent and turn from that which is unfruitful and only earthly. Turn your face towards Me so I may show you what is on My heart for you, the earth and all its inhabitants.

Do not tarry. The time is now.

Your life will be the vessel of how I bring My kingdom to transform all of creation back to its original design.

The reconciliation of creation will culminate at the marriage supper of the Lamb.

So the question remains...

Will you open up to Me to receive your training for reigning?

(2 Tim. 2:20-21; James 1:5; Proverbs 8; Romans 12:1-2; 1 Cor. 2:9-10; Hebrews 1:7&14; 1 Peter 2:9-10; Eph. 3:20; Jer. 33:3; Numbers 29:1-11 & Rev 19:6-9).