Lion of Judah

Lion of Judah
See His Heart. Hear His Voice. Join us once a month for a new prophecy and painting.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Join Me In Heavenly Places- Prophecy No. 44

My Child, I daily load you with benefits. Come to Me to receive them. I open My arms to you, My heart to you and the windows of heaven.

Just ask and I will make a way to bring them to you. However, know that the enemy will endeavor to block every one of My blessings from getting to you.

Keep trusting that they will come. Keep joining Me in heavenly places so you can bring My kingdom resources back to your daily life.

For there are unending, unfathomable, incalculable, unlimited and inexhaustible riches waiting to be released to you.

Please do not live self-sufficient in your meager resources and adequacy, but rather, TURN TO ME and My All-Sufficiency for I AM the MOST HIGH GOD!

I am unconquerable! There is nothing greater than Me or My power. I will infuse you with My strength.

So spend time with Me daily. Talk with Me and I will adorn you with authority. Communion with Me leads to more dominion. So please come.

My arms are open.

My heart is open.

The time is now.

Join Me in heavenly places.

(Psalm 68:19 & 91:1;; Matt. 6:10 & 11:28-29; Malachi 3:10-12; Isaiah 55:11 & 59:19; Ephesians 2:6 & 3:8; Nehemiah 8:10; Luke 10:19).