Lion of Judah

Lion of Judah
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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Take My Hand Prophecy No. 5

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Take My hand and join Me in blessing the land. Join Me in restoring the land back to its original glory. Before there was a human being on the earth, I blessed each parcel of land.

Land holds a charge much like a battery. The benefits of a land can be accessed by praying, cleansing the land and then asking Me to release the land's original blessing to it. (Psalm 85)

Like Joshua, you can take the land wherever you go. You can take back and claim it for My purposes.

All the earth and everything in it was originally created to glorify Me. It's original beauty was marvelous and it can return to that.

You need only take My hand. I will show you where to go and how to cleanse it. Let Me cleanse you that you might have authority to cleanse the land.

Have I not called you to be My ambassador? I have not only called you to reconcile others to Me, but also to reconcile the land to it's original glory.

Take My hand. Let's restore the land.

(Genesis 1:9-13; Psalm 18:35; 31:14-17; 80:14-19; Isaiah 48:13 & 2 Cor. 5:18-21).

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