Sunday, May 30, 2010
Take My Hand Prophecy No. 5
Take My hand and join Me in blessing the land. Join Me in restoring the land back to its original glory. Before there was a human being on the earth, I blessed each parcel of land.
Land holds a charge much like a battery. The benefits of a land can be accessed by praying, cleansing the land and then asking Me to release the land's original blessing to it. (Psalm 85)
Like Joshua, you can take the land wherever you go. You can take back and claim it for My purposes.
All the earth and everything in it was originally created to glorify Me. It's original beauty was marvelous and it can return to that.
You need only take My hand. I will show you where to go and how to cleanse it. Let Me cleanse you that you might have authority to cleanse the land.
Have I not called you to be My ambassador? I have not only called you to reconcile others to Me, but also to reconcile the land to it's original glory.
Take My hand. Let's restore the land.
(Genesis 1:9-13; Psalm 18:35; 31:14-17; 80:14-19; Isaiah 48:13 & 2 Cor. 5:18-21).
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Accept. Receive. Rest. Prophecy No. 4
I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.
I come to bring both peace and a sword. A sword to put an end to the devouring works of the enemy against you. Peace to set you free from the bondage of this world. This world offers heartache, anxiety and stress. I offer peace that sooths and settles.
Cast your cares upon Me because I love you. I care for you. Learn from the rythms of My grace. Receive My unmerited favor and My peace to quiet the frenzy in your mind and release the sorrow from your heart. Accept what I accomplished for you on the cross and I will show you how to take a true rest.
Accept My finished work. Receive My peace. Rest in My love.
Accept. Receive. Rest.
(Rev. 22:13-14; Rev. 19:11-16; John 14:27; John 16:33 and Matt. 11:28-30)
Monday, May 17, 2010
Will You Have Me?- Prophecy No. 3
I have always been. I AM. I will always be. I am the God of your past, present and future. I am not the author of everything that happened to you, but I want to be invited into the things that did.
I want to announce My coming. I want to be with you in it all, if you'll have Me. Behold, I stand at the door and knock.
I am knocking on the door of your past. Will you let Me in? Will you surrender your past to Me? Surrender it as many times as necessary to be released from your burdens.
What My Son accomplished on the cross was for you. It was to destroy the works of the evil one and what he brought into your life to cover over who I made you to be. You can become all of who I have made you to be. Let Me release you.
I am also knocking on the door of your present. Will you let me into your heart? Will you let Me into your circumstances?
I have great things for you! I am your portion. I am your daily bread. Ask of Me and I will satisfy you. I will be the portion you need to fill up the empty places so you overflow!
I will also supply you with what you need to be successful in this world. My inheritance is for you now so you may bring My kingdom wherever you go.
I am opening the door to your future. Will you join Me there and walk through it with Me so I may use you mightily on the earth? You are My hands and feet and mouth piece.
My return is imminent. I want to prepare My Bride for the great wedding feast.
Will you cooperate with Me, listen, obey Me and go where I am going? Will you do what I ask you to do?
What I have planned for you is truly amazing! Behold I am knocking. Who was and is and is to come beckons.
Will you have Me?
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
You Please Me - Prophecy No. 2
You Please Me
My child, I am pleased with you. I have come to pick the fruit of your life and feed it to the nations.
Because you have cooperated with My Spirit and allowed Me to pull the weeds out of your life, you have born more fruit.
The fruit that you bear is a reflection of My love, My patience, My kindness, My goodness, My faithfulness, My joy, My peace, My gentleness and My self-control being poured out through you to the people in your sphere of influence. There is no law against such things nor are there human barricades to keep them out.
My creation longs to taste and see that I am good. Through your fruit the world can experience Me.
So please continue to cooperate with My Spirit and together we can change the world.
Keep up the good work. I love you!
(Galatians 5:22-23 and Psalm 34:8).
Saturday, May 1, 2010
The Invitation - Prophecy No. 1
I am above the mountains. I am their Maker. My strength is greater than all the mountain ranges put together. You can trust Me. You can trust Me to meet all your needs. I love you. I want to care for you and to fill you so your needs are met. Then I want to fill you to overflowing.
I am looking. I am watching over the city and I am issuing you an invitation. Will you let me come and abide in you? (John 15:5). Will you fully surrender to Me that I might abide in you and use you mightily in the city?
I want to flow my life through you in such a way that you change the atmosphere wherever you go. Will you let Me in on a deeper level?
I am waiting....
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