Wednesday, December 22, 2010
I Came For You- Prophecy No. 25
I am Perfect Love.
I am Restoring Rest.
I am the Prince of Peace.
I am Immanuel- God with you.
I am your Ultimate Security, Supplier and Stabilzer.
In Me is Perfect Balance.
I am Eternal Hope and eternally hopeful for you.
I am Ever-Present always wanting to be down in the trenches with you.
I am able. I am near. I am here.
(I John 4:16; Isaiah 7:14, 28:16 & 40:31; Matt. 11:28 & 1:23 Hebrews 4:9-10; Phil. 4:19; Zech. 2:5; Eccl. 3:1-13; Col 1:27; Titus 1:2 & 2:13; Jude 24)
Monday, December 6, 2010
I Will Have The Last Word- Prophecy No. 24
I am the King of kings and I have come to take out, in the spiritual realm, the kings that have sought to assault you, torment you and bring you down.
I am the Lord of lords and I will NOT permit the lords of this earth to come against you for you are Mine.
I am jealously protecting you. For I am eager to spend time with you and I will not let the enemy take you away from Me. I am passionately committed to you and your well being.
I am also the perfecter and finisher of your faith. Though I am warring for you, I also want to strengthen you. I want to remove the shaky places inside of you and build you up.
Partner with Me. Talk to Me. Turn things over to Me as they arise and inflict your life and mind.
Don't give up!
Don't go through things alone!
Don't lean on your own understanding but come to Me and I will be your Counselor. I will give you the wisdom that you need.
Cry out for wisdom! There's plenty to go around.
Finally, I am your Advocate. When satan comes before Me to accuse you, do not fear.
I know who you are. I know who I've created you to be, and....
(Rev. 19:16; 2 Cor. 11:2; Heb. 11:2; Is. 40:10; Matt. 7:24-29; John 14:26; Rev. 3:11; Gal. 6:9; Matt. 28:20b; Prov. 3:5; Matt. 11: 28-30; Is. 9:6; James 1:5).
Monday, November 22, 2010
I Delight in You- Prophecy No. 23
I delight in you and rejoice over you.
I have seen your hard work. I have watched as you have purposed over and over to do the right thing. Your efforts have not been in vain. You have born fruit that will remain.
The fruit that you bear allows My kingdom to come to earth now. Enjoy the peace, love, goodness and kindness yourself. Soak it in. Rest in it. For it has certainly brought joy to My heart and touched the lives of those around you.
I not only enjoy the fruit of your labors but I welcome you into My Presence, and as I do, My Spirit is anointing you to receive. Receive My help for I want to steady you. Receive My protection for I am here to watch over you, keep you, shelter you and preserve you.
I am your God and Father.
Receive My peace for I am here to strengthen you and uphold you.
You are My delight and I love you!
(Isaiah 62:4-5; Psalm 121 & Isaiah 41:10)
Monday, November 15, 2010
The Bread of Life- Prophecy No. 22
I am the Bread of Life. I am the Hidden Manna.
Just like the manna was kept in the Ark of the Covenant, so too My provisions for you come from heaven, from the the Holy Place of My Father's heart.
Like the Israelites, the provision of manna always came during the night. I wanted to show My people that it had nothing to do with their effort, but rather, it was My care for them.
As well with you, I want to give to you out of My treasury in ways that you will know it is Me.
There is nothing too unlikely, too unusual, too dark, too lonely or too diificult for Me that I cannot enter in and supply My Hidden Manna.
Please do not consume the bread of idols. It will never be sufficient. The satisfaction will only be temporary and you will always need more.
To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna. In fact, I will help you to resist the temporal, transitory and fleeting enticements. Call on Me and I will give you a way of escape.
For I will release you from prison, speak kindly to you, promote you, change your garments and meet your every need.
Open your heart to Me and receive your daily bread and provisions.
Come to Me for the Hidden Manna for I am the Bread of Life.
(John 6:31-51; Exodus 16; Is. 45:3; Jer. 32:17&27; Psalm 115; James 4:7; 1 Cor. 10:13; 2 Kings 25:27-30 & Matt. 6:11)
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Waves of Mercy- Prophecy No. 21
Receive the waves of My mercy, compassion and favor that I am releasing upon you. Do not lose heart for My love is beyond comprehension.
In the middle of your sin, I come to you. When you are faithless, I remain faithful. When you are weak, I will strengthen you. The waves of My mercy are endless.
Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things you've never seen before.
Receive the abundance of My love and kindnesses for I am here to renew you, to renovate you, to transform and restore you by My Spirit that you would be positioned to receive your inheritance as My heir.
I am rich in mercy and because of My great love for you, I am bringing you fully into the life I created for you to live.
So let Me pick you up and seat you in heavenly places with Me for you are welcome in My Presence. I have mercy and help for you in your times of need. As you receive from Me, it will cause you to grow in My likeness from glory to glory.
Soak it in. Take it in. Receive My mercy.
(2 Cor. 4:1; 2 Tim. 2:13; 2 Cor. 12:9; Jer. 33:3; Titus 3:4-7; Eph. 2:4-6; Hebrews 4:16; 2 Cor. 3:18
Monday, November 1, 2010
I Love You- Prophecy No. 20
My Child, I took qualities out of My very heart when I created you and weaved them into who you are. You are My special treasure.
For I:
Designed you. (Psalm 139:14)
Desire you. (John 17:24)
Delight in you. (2 Samuel 22:20)
Defend you. (Psalm 59:17)
Deliver you. (Psalm 18:16-19)
Dream for you. (Jeremiah 29:11)
Disciple you. (John 15:8)
Dwell in you. (1 Cor. 3:16)
Draw you to Myself. (Jeremiah 31:3-4)
In all the earth, for all time there has never been another human being that I have created who expresses My heart like you do.
I will never leave you or forsake you.
I will help you because I love you!
(Exodus 19:5 & Hebrews 13:5-6)
Monday, October 18, 2010
Because I Said So- Prophecy No. 19
My Child, My word does not go out of My mouth unless I intend to bring it to pass.
I can:
Comfort every sorrow. (2 Cor. 1:3-5)
Correct every injustice. (Zeph. 3:5)
Right every wrong. (Prov. 2:6-9)
Light every darkness. (Ps. 18:28)
Restore every prodigal. (Luke 15:11-32)
Mend every brokeness. (Isaiah 61:1-4)
Carry every burden. (Ps. 55:22)
Wipe away every tear. (Rev. 21:4)
Hear every cry. (Isaiah 59:1)
Help every situation. (Ps. 25:8-9)
Still every heart. (Ps. 46:10)
Nuture every dream. (Joel 2:25-29)
Finance every enterprise. (Malachi 3:10-11)
Direct every pathway. (Prov. 3:5-6)
Fashion every destiny. (Ps. 139:16)
Reach every generation. (Ps. 102:12)
Touch every nation. (Ps. 98:2)
Love every soul. (John 3:16)
I am faithful. I am true. I am able.
(Isaiah 55:11)
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Lord of the Break-Through Prophecy No. 18
All things are possible for Me because I am the Lord of the breakthrough and I will give you the power to:
Defeat every enemy. (1 Chron 22:18)
Destroy every army. (Psalm 118:10-14)
Move every mountain. (Matt. 17:20)
Silence every judgmental tongue that rises against you. (Isaiah 54:17)
Mute every accusation. (John 8:10-11)
Conquer every fear. (Psalm 27:1-3 & 1 John 4:18)
Pull down every stronghold. (2 Cor. 10:3-5)
Banish every demon. (Luke 10:19)
Shatter every bondage. (Romans 8:15)
Unlock every prison. (Isaiah 61:1)
You are My heir, My offspring, My child
Will you be My co-laborer for the breakthrough?
(2 Samuel 5:20 & Luke 1:37)
Monday, October 4, 2010
Nothing is too difficult for Me- Prophecy No. 17
My child, I want to be involved in your life for I am able to do above and beyond what you can imagine.
I can persuade every heart. (John 12:32)
I number every hair on your head. (Luke 12:7)
I redeem every sinner and promote you to royalty. (Revelations 5:9-10)
I relieve every disappointment. ((Psalm 22:5)
I resolve every problem. (1 Kings 1:29)
I answer every question. (Proverbs 16:1-3)
I meet every need. (Phil. 4:9)
I handle every concern. (1 Peter 5:7)
I satisfy every desire. (Psalm 145:16)
I quench every thirst. (John 4:13-14)
So will you let Me join you on your journey?
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Follow Me- Prophecy No. 16
Do you want to advance My kingdom upon the earth? Pick up your cross and follow Me.
Do not think that all the trials you face are the enemy attacking you. For I am taking My children through a season of pruning and discipline.
I am pruning you from the things that were passed down to you in your family line that are not My ways. I discipline you to cleanse you from your sins, patterns and attitudes that do not advance My kingdom. I also want to purify your motivations, if you'll let Me.
I love you. I don't come to you as a harsh father, but rather, I come to you with a bigger purpose in mind. There's so much more I want to give you. There's so much more joy, fulfillment, signs and wonders.
The days ahead require house cleaning now. Judgment begins in My family first. Will you cooperate with My cleansing that you might receive more?
Will you allow Me to remove the things in you that can be shaken? For I want to give you more dominion. I want you to walk in more authority.
I don't want anything between you and I. I want to be closer to you. It requires that I burn away the worthless matter in your life, that I burn away the wood, hay and straw now.
Will you let Me?
That which is not gold or silver will burn up at the judgment seat of Christ. There My children's works which you did upon the earth will be tried.
Yet I am sending my fire now. Sometimes My fire fans the flame of My love in your heart. At other times, it is for burning away the nonessentials in your soul.
Will you let Me complete My work in you?
I speak to you as to mature ones because....... there's so much more!
Follow Me.
(Matt. 16:24; 1 Peter 1:6-7 & 4:12-19; Hebrews 12:3-11; 1 Cor. 3:9-17; Romans 14:10; 2 Cor. 4:16-18 & 5:10; & 2 Tim. 2:20-21)
Sunday, September 5, 2010
The Path of Life Prophecy No. 15
My Child, I see you. I have also seen all the times you have come to Me. You have chosen well for I long to have relationship with you.
Just as I rescued the Israelites from the slavery of Egypt, so too I will rescue and deliver you. I will take the initiative and lift you out of the overwhelming flood.
I liberate you to bring you to Myself. I am your destination and I long to be your end game. I dream of being your resting place. Find your hope in Me. Trust in Me, for I will not disappoint you. I will be the fulfillment of your wildest dreams!
Let your true identity be anchored in Me. Get your legitimacy in Me and who I say that you are.
You are My special treasure! Yet With identity comes responsibility. I long for you to obey Me and keep My commandments as a result of our intimate relationship instead from a place of obligation.
I call you to holiness, right living and to bring My kingdom to earth. Obey Me in order to show our relationship to those in your sphere of influence and to the world.
I speak to you as to mature ones.
How will you respond?
(Deut. 32:10-13; Psalm 31:1-3 & 35:10 & 17)
Monday, August 23, 2010
A Deeper Rest- Prophecy No. 14
Prophecy: Faithful One, even though you have not seen Me, you love Me and believe in Me. This brings great satisfaction to My heart.
I release My joy to you now for in My Presence is the fulness of joy.
Receive My light! It's the light of My countenance that casts out the darkness and the things that weigh down your soul.
Look to Me and I will remove the things that hinder you from knowing who you are so you may walk in the fulness of your gifts and authority.
Soak in My love! Take a bath in My light. Look for the beauty I have placed all around you, and remember, all My ways are lovingkindness.
So continue to come to Me and I will give you...... a deeper rest.
(I Peter 1:8-9; Psalm 16:11; Rev. 1:14-16; John 8:12; Psalm 25:10 & Hebrews 4:9)
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Live! Thrive! Grow! Prophecy No. 13
My Child, Live! Thrive! Grow! Mature! For I will protect you and cleanse you from the residue of sin and the things of this world.
I shall anoint you and clothe you, from nakedness to royalty, that you may be adorned and made beautiful and you shall walk in My favor all the days of your life.
I will not leave you alone. I see you and I am coming for you now. So live, thrive and grow into all I have created you to be.
I am here. Receive My care.
(Ezekiel 16:6-14)
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Come Up Here Prophecy No. 12
Come up here. Join Me where I am. I have an inheritance in heaven reserved just for you that will not perish, spoil or fade away. So please won't you meet Me here so you can begin to partake of the riches I have for you now.
Take My hand. Ascend into My Presence. I choose you and I long to be with you that I might satisfy you with My goodness.
Oh that you could see things from My perspective. Join Me and I will reveal to you divine strategies, things you never thought of to walk in victory on the earth.
Ascend into My glory, receive your inheritance now and bring it back to the earth to fulfill the things I have called you to.
It's all here. I am waiting you. Come on up.
(John 17:24; Revelation 11:12; Eph. 2:6; I Peter 1:3-5; Psalm 65:4; Numbers 16:5; 2 Samuel 22:20)
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Receive My Justice- Prophecy No. 11
Make your home in My justice. For I will make the crooked places straight and right the wrongs in your life.
Rest under the shadow of My wings. Take refuge in Me until the disaster passes. For I will satisfy your weary soul
and replenish your emptiness.
I will send from heaven and save you. I will rebuke the one who tries to swallow you up. Trust Me. Turn things over
to Me. For I am the God who performs good things for you. I will perform My purpose in you. I will restore.
Nothing is too difficult for Me. I am your shield and your exceedingly great reward.
Call on My name. Believe My word. Receive My justice.
(Jeremiah 31:23 & 25; Isaiah 40:4; Psalm 57:1-3; Genesis 15:1 and Jeremiah 32:26)
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Ready to Soar? Prophecy No. 10
I am your Father. I have made you and I will establish you. I will instruct you and guide you to a favorable outcome.
I am your portion and I have an inheritance for you, riches without measure. I release My provisions to you both the sweet things and My authority.
Recline in Me and I will satisfy your desires with good things. In My Presence, your youth is renewed.
Yet at times I find you in dry places, so I wrap My arms around you. I did not create your life to be a wasteland or a desert, but like at creation, I will bring order out of your chaos. Know that you are in the center of My attention and I will bring you out of your stuck places.
Call to Me and I will answer you, not always as you expect, but I will show you marvelous things that you never thought of to solve your difficulties.
I will cover you and protect you. I will carry you on My wings I will train you to soar above the storms of this earth like I do.
Hope in Me. Turn your gaze to Me and you will gain power from My Presence. You will not only have strength to walk in what I have called you to do,
but you will soar if... you let Me carry you.
I will carry you on eagle's wings and bring you to Myself. Are you ready to soar?
(Deut. 32:6 & 9-13; Psalm 103:5 & 139:13-18; Genesis 1:1-4; Jer. 33:3 Isaiah 40:31 and Exodus 19:4)
Monday, July 5, 2010
All Are Welcome Prophecy No. 9
I am the door. All are welcome here. Anyone who enters into the sheepfold through Me will be cared for. You will be able to go in and out freely. In My pasture, you will find what you need for the feeding of your spirit, soul and body. In Me, there is no lack.
I am the Good Shepherd. I know My sheep and I want to reveal Myself to you. I can be known by you. You can hear My voice and follow Me. As you do, I will recover and restore everything that has been stolen from you.
I and My Father are One. No one can snatch you out of Our hands. We are greater than the destroyer and the thief.
I have come to give you life to its fullest- an overflowing, super-abundant surplus which will be extraordinary to you, more than enough, all-sufficent and greater than you can imagine!
I am the door. Inside are the treasures of heaven. Won't you come in?
(John 10:1-30; Joel 2:25-27)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Infinite Portion Prophecy No. 8
My Spirit is descending. He is in you and shall rest upon you. I have come to fill you with the knowledge of My will. I am also releasing My wisdom that you might know how to conduct yourself daily in all your affairs and succeed. Receive My Spirit of counsel so you will know how to navigate the details of your life for your short stay upon the earth.
My Spirit will bring your heart new revelations and understanding of Me. I will bypass your intellect if you will let Me. Be open. Be still. Surrender your fears and your unbelief to Me.
I have so much more to reveal to you. Will you be open? Oh there's so much more My child. There are so many more insights I have for you about who I am and who you were created to be. Don't stop short. It's time. There's so much more to be revealed.
I am sitting on the edge of My seat waiting in anticipation of your response.
Do you want more? There are entire storehouses full of revelations I have for you. Won't you take more.......
I am your Infinite Portion
How will you respond? Do you want anymore?
(Isaiah 11:2; Col. 1:9-12; Psalm 46:10; Eph. 1:17-23; Psalm 16:8-11, 73:26 & 119:57)
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Lean Into Me Prophecy No. 7
I am whole. In Me all the fullness of life dwells. I hold all things together. Only in Me can you come into divine wholeness. In Me you can live and move and have your being.
Lean into Me and I will bring your extremes into balance.
By not surrendering things to Me, My people stay in their extremes. Some cover over their wounds with legalism and rules to keep themselves safe. Yet they stay confined to a box and limit Me. There are others who remain so open that they are driven by their emotions. I have not chosen either of these ways for My people. Neither extreme includes Me. Where do you fall on the continuum?
I want to be in relationship with you. I want to commune with you. As we spend time together and you share your life with Me, I can bring you to the balance.
Follow My Son's example. He was a Lamb led to the slaughter and through that He pardoned all and became the Lion of the tribe of Judah.
You too must come to Me as a lamb. Humble yourself as My Son did. Drop your extremes at the foot of the cross. Come as a lamb and I will cause you to rise up in dominion and authority just as My Son did.
Lean into Me. Come as a lamb. Leave as a lion.
(Col. 1:19-20; Eph. 4:15; Acts 17:28; Isaiah 53; Phil. 2:5-11; Matt. 10:38)
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Drink Deeply For Victory Prophecy No. 6
I am praying for you. For I know what it is like to go through the fire. I know what it is like to endure testing and hardship and to come out on the other side with a victory. It is because I communed with My Father and drank deeply from the well of His heart.
I prayed to My Father to take the cup of suffering from Me. Yet I chose His will, went to the cross for you and now I am seated in glory.
Because of My victory, I now offer you a cup. Not the cup of suffering though all do suffer on the earth. Rather I offer you access to My Father's cup. It is the cup of intimacy. Come that you might drink. You too can have a victory. Oh that you would drink deeply indeed!
Abide in Me. Make your home in My love and I will take you to our Father so you can drink deeply from His heart. For in Him you will find resources and strategies to overcome and to become more than a conqueror!
Everything you have need of is in His heart. Intimacy with the Father is the key. Please, won't you come?
Come. Come and drink deeply.
(Hebrews 4:14-16 & 7:25; Romans 8:27, 33 & 37; Matt. 4:1-11; John 15:1-17)
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Take My Hand Prophecy No. 5
Take My hand and join Me in blessing the land. Join Me in restoring the land back to its original glory. Before there was a human being on the earth, I blessed each parcel of land.
Land holds a charge much like a battery. The benefits of a land can be accessed by praying, cleansing the land and then asking Me to release the land's original blessing to it. (Psalm 85)
Like Joshua, you can take the land wherever you go. You can take back and claim it for My purposes.
All the earth and everything in it was originally created to glorify Me. It's original beauty was marvelous and it can return to that.
You need only take My hand. I will show you where to go and how to cleanse it. Let Me cleanse you that you might have authority to cleanse the land.
Have I not called you to be My ambassador? I have not only called you to reconcile others to Me, but also to reconcile the land to it's original glory.
Take My hand. Let's restore the land.
(Genesis 1:9-13; Psalm 18:35; 31:14-17; 80:14-19; Isaiah 48:13 & 2 Cor. 5:18-21).
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Accept. Receive. Rest. Prophecy No. 4
I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.
I come to bring both peace and a sword. A sword to put an end to the devouring works of the enemy against you. Peace to set you free from the bondage of this world. This world offers heartache, anxiety and stress. I offer peace that sooths and settles.
Cast your cares upon Me because I love you. I care for you. Learn from the rythms of My grace. Receive My unmerited favor and My peace to quiet the frenzy in your mind and release the sorrow from your heart. Accept what I accomplished for you on the cross and I will show you how to take a true rest.
Accept My finished work. Receive My peace. Rest in My love.
Accept. Receive. Rest.
(Rev. 22:13-14; Rev. 19:11-16; John 14:27; John 16:33 and Matt. 11:28-30)
Monday, May 17, 2010
Will You Have Me?- Prophecy No. 3
I have always been. I AM. I will always be. I am the God of your past, present and future. I am not the author of everything that happened to you, but I want to be invited into the things that did.
I want to announce My coming. I want to be with you in it all, if you'll have Me. Behold, I stand at the door and knock.
I am knocking on the door of your past. Will you let Me in? Will you surrender your past to Me? Surrender it as many times as necessary to be released from your burdens.
What My Son accomplished on the cross was for you. It was to destroy the works of the evil one and what he brought into your life to cover over who I made you to be. You can become all of who I have made you to be. Let Me release you.
I am also knocking on the door of your present. Will you let me into your heart? Will you let Me into your circumstances?
I have great things for you! I am your portion. I am your daily bread. Ask of Me and I will satisfy you. I will be the portion you need to fill up the empty places so you overflow!
I will also supply you with what you need to be successful in this world. My inheritance is for you now so you may bring My kingdom wherever you go.
I am opening the door to your future. Will you join Me there and walk through it with Me so I may use you mightily on the earth? You are My hands and feet and mouth piece.
My return is imminent. I want to prepare My Bride for the great wedding feast.
Will you cooperate with Me, listen, obey Me and go where I am going? Will you do what I ask you to do?
What I have planned for you is truly amazing! Behold I am knocking. Who was and is and is to come beckons.
Will you have Me?
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
You Please Me - Prophecy No. 2
You Please Me
My child, I am pleased with you. I have come to pick the fruit of your life and feed it to the nations.
Because you have cooperated with My Spirit and allowed Me to pull the weeds out of your life, you have born more fruit.
The fruit that you bear is a reflection of My love, My patience, My kindness, My goodness, My faithfulness, My joy, My peace, My gentleness and My self-control being poured out through you to the people in your sphere of influence. There is no law against such things nor are there human barricades to keep them out.
My creation longs to taste and see that I am good. Through your fruit the world can experience Me.
So please continue to cooperate with My Spirit and together we can change the world.
Keep up the good work. I love you!
(Galatians 5:22-23 and Psalm 34:8).
Saturday, May 1, 2010
The Invitation - Prophecy No. 1
I am above the mountains. I am their Maker. My strength is greater than all the mountain ranges put together. You can trust Me. You can trust Me to meet all your needs. I love you. I want to care for you and to fill you so your needs are met. Then I want to fill you to overflowing.
I am looking. I am watching over the city and I am issuing you an invitation. Will you let me come and abide in you? (John 15:5). Will you fully surrender to Me that I might abide in you and use you mightily in the city?
I want to flow my life through you in such a way that you change the atmosphere wherever you go. Will you let Me in on a deeper level?
I am waiting....
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