Read Joshua Chapter 3.
Follow My Presence for there is an open door before you. (Joshua 3:3)
I will bring you into a place you have not been before. For I want to use you to bring My government upon the earth. (Joshua 3:4)
Sanctify yourself- set yourself apart from worldly ways. Stop sinning and be productive in holy living driven by My divine purposes for you.
Then I will do wonders all around you and I will multiply My glory upon the earth through you! (Joshua 3:5)
It is My desire to fulfill you, to bless you and to overflow you.
So partner with Me and I will exalt you in the sight of all the people. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you. (Joshua 3:7)
However, you must step into the Jordan River for it to dry up. (Joshua 3:8)
Step into what I have placed before you and I will bring you into the Promised Land.
Come and hear My words. Know My promises. Listen to My heart. Believe what I have said.
Exercise your faith and I will bring My promises to fruition. You will be filled with My life and then you will birth it into the earth. (Joshua 3:9)
By this you will know that the Living God is among you because without fail, I will drive the enemy out from before you. (Joshua 3:10)
Where Adam's sin brought a curse on mankind, I intervened to stop the flow of death from being passed down to you. (Joshua 3:16)
I am brooding over you until the fullness of My essence is transferred to you that you may look like Me. Then as My life overflows you, you can brood over the circumstances of the earth that are still in chaos and bring My kingdom order to them.
So step in and cross over for the Promised Land of all creation still awaits its fullest expression.
(Joshua 3:17)