Lion of Judah

Lion of Judah
See His Heart. Hear His Voice. Join us once a month for a new prophecy and painting.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

My Bride- Prophecy No. 50

My Bride, I long for you. I can hardly wait for us to be together.

I think about you all the time. I even dream about us and what it will be like at long last when you are in My arms.

The preparations for our wedding feast have begun. The flowers are being gathered. The decorations are being chosen.

What colors do you like? What music shall we play?

Oh no actually, I will surprise you. I will delight you with My extravagance! For I know what you like and it will be My honor to please you.

Only steal away with Me before the big day. Meet Me in our Garden spot for I cherish our time alone. It is the joy of My heart.

Walk with Me through the tulips.

Dance with Me in the rain forest.

Sit with Me on the bank of the river.

Oh how I long for you My Bride. Soon we will be together forever.

So for now just know....

I will never leave you or forsake you.

I will love you always!

(Song of Solomon 4:7 & 9-10 and 2:4; Psalm 139:17-18 & 36:7-9; Jeremiah 31:3; Deut. 31:8 & 33:27; Ephesians 3:20; Revelation 19:6-9)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Shadow Me- Prophecy No. 49

Me and you. You and Me.
Nothing's better than our intimacy.

Exquisite My love are you Me,
Relinquish all others, the world to flee.

Meet Me in the Garden the whole day through.
Draw near to Me and I will draw near to you.

So come away, My rest to keep,
My heart calls out from deep to deep.

Shadow Me, side by side.
No need to hide, you're My Bride.
In you My mysteries I will confide.

Our closeness grows, you surely know, as you....
Shadow Me.

(John 15:5; James 4:8; Psalm 42:7 & Genesis 1:26-27)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

It's Harvest Time! Prophecy No. 48

You are My Beautiful Treasure! I placed My image in you when I weaved you in your mother's womb.

I have personally deposited My glory in you. My DNA and My character qualities are stamped on your spirit so that you may be a reflection of Me upon the earth and fulfill your destiny.

My kingdom comes to earth through you and My will is done on earth as you reflect My heart to people. As it is in heaven, so shall it be on earth through the treasure of you!

My investment in you is tangible. You can count on it and bank on the resources of My investment in you on a DAILY basis!

My Spirit is your access card. You activate the eternal resources in your spirit by resting in Me, listening for My voice, receiving My direction and doing everything by My Spirit's power.

However, the enemy has come into your life and has deposited his investments in you as well. For he loves to copy Me because there's nothing worthwhile in him and he has not ceased trying to defile and cover over My investment in you.

I RAGE against the enemy's destruction in your life! I will bring justice to you and turn everything around for I am Jehovah Perazim- Master of the Breakthrough!

Just as My Son taught on the parable of the wheat and the tares, so satan has contaminated the field of your soul with pain and lies that choke out the fruit of My good seed.

Now is the time for your life to be harvested! Cooperate with Me as I gather up the tares from your life.

As you turn the tares over to Me, which are a polluted, degenerate form of wheat, I will burn them up Si My investment in you can be purified. Then you may once again reflect My image clearly.

Now is the time to return to being My undefiled, undiluted investment through the power of My love and My Spirit.

In partnership with Me, ALL things are possible! So let's get going.

(Ex. 19:5; Gen. 1:26-27; Psalm 139; Col. 1:27; 1 Thess. 5:22-24; Zech. 4:6; John 10:10; Matt. 13:24-30 & 19:26; 2 Sam. 5:20 & 2 Tim. 2:20-22)

It's Harvest Time!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Us- Prophecy No. 47

Seek Me while I may be found. Talk to Me all day long about everything you are going through and yet, carve out time for US.

I do hear your cries, your prayers, your venting and your praise and I am overjoyed that you turn to Me.

However, I would love for you to listen to Me as well. I want mutuality- a constant flow back and forth between US.

I receive from you but how can you receive from Me the wealth I want to pour out on you and the revelations I have for you if you do not pause and let Me share?

I want US to be closer. I want to be your love, strength, defender and safe place all the time.

As you come to Me to listen and rest in My provisions and protection, you will gain My wisdom and the ability not to fear people or your problems.

When you hear from Me and experientially encounter My love, you will know your value.

As we become one and as you come to know who you are in Us, you will be unstoppable.

So please, make time for US.

(Isaiah 55:6; Psalm 27:1-8 & 59:16 and John 17:21)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Next- Prophecy No. 46

I, the Father whose hands have made you, am rolling out a period of time where you can see and know what I am doing in the next chapter. In fact, "The Next" is NOW.
I will show you what My hands have made you for. So step in and as you do, I will deepen your understanding of My heart and My ways.
This is the time for you to see the things that I have AUTHORIZED and APPOINTED for you to walk in.
As you believe in, trust in, hope in and walk in My Word, My Son Jesus the Living Word, your life will reflect My image in ever increasing ways.
At last, My sons and daughters will be revealed across the earth. Let your light shine before men. In fact, all of creation eagerly waits and even groans for this unveiling.
My child, continue to let yourself grow up in Me. Put aside useless controversies, pride and division. Trade your resentment, bitterness, pain and anything else that would keep you from reflecting My image and My love. As you turn those things over to Me, open your hands to receive your inheritance!
Stand in your true identity and then from there, WALK INTO THE NEXT CHAPTER NOW!
I am waiting for you.
(Psalm 139, 119:73-74; John 1:1-5; Romans 8:18-19; Isaiah 60:1; Galatians 6:7-10; Hebrews 12:14-15; Ephesians 4:14-16 & Exodus 19:4-6)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Heavenly Download- Prophecy No. 45

Precious One, open up the ears of your spirit. My heavenly hosts are singing over you with songs of deliverance. Angels are worshipping Me and the sound of heaven is being released upon the earth.

I am pouring out My light- the colors of My Being and the hues of the rainbow of heaven are pouring forth over each open individual.

I am coming to clean out the hard drive of your mind. If you will surrender your thought life to Me, I will clear out the viruses that clog up our communication.

I want to remove your limited perspective of Who I am so you can see Me more clearly.

Come away with Me My Beloved. It's time for transformation and growth. It's time to come into a greater understanding of Who I am and who I have created you to be.

Meet Me at the cross. Trade the lies that you have believed about yourself and Me and I will impart to you life-giving revelations in exchange.

For in this hour, I am pouring out Heavenly Downloads.

Will you open up to Me?

(Mark 4:23-24, 7:34; Job 33:16; 2 Cor. 4:6; Psalm 32:7; Zeph. 3:17; Romans 12:1-2; 2 Cor. 10:5; Luke 5:16; Proverbs 8:5-14 & Mark 8:34)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Join Me In Heavenly Places- Prophecy No. 44

My Child, I daily load you with benefits. Come to Me to receive them. I open My arms to you, My heart to you and the windows of heaven.

Just ask and I will make a way to bring them to you. However, know that the enemy will endeavor to block every one of My blessings from getting to you.

Keep trusting that they will come. Keep joining Me in heavenly places so you can bring My kingdom resources back to your daily life.

For there are unending, unfathomable, incalculable, unlimited and inexhaustible riches waiting to be released to you.

Please do not live self-sufficient in your meager resources and adequacy, but rather, TURN TO ME and My All-Sufficiency for I AM the MOST HIGH GOD!

I am unconquerable! There is nothing greater than Me or My power. I will infuse you with My strength.

So spend time with Me daily. Talk with Me and I will adorn you with authority. Communion with Me leads to more dominion. So please come.

My arms are open.

My heart is open.

The time is now.

Join Me in heavenly places.

(Psalm 68:19 & 91:1;; Matt. 6:10 & 11:28-29; Malachi 3:10-12; Isaiah 55:11 & 59:19; Ephesians 2:6 & 3:8; Nehemiah 8:10; Luke 10:19).