Lion of Judah

Lion of Judah
See His Heart. Hear His Voice. Join us once a month for a new prophecy and painting.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Worship Is Warfare- Prophecy No. 38

Just a reminder:

I won!

It's over!

Just worship Me.

Worship is warfare.

I inhabit, abide in and am released to move when you worship Me. Worship defeats the enemy and is less exhausting than direct warfare.

So lift Me up and watch the strongholds come down. Watch bodies be healed. Watch circumstances change.

Praise Me and watch hope arise, anxieties decrease and depression lift.

Even just saying the name of Jesus can close porn shops, psychic/tarot reading businesses and change a city.

So sing out and speak My name.

Do you realize how powerful speaking My name and worship is?

(Psalm 22:3; 2 Chron. 20:1-30)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Come Away My Beloved- Prophecy No. 37

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Come away with Me, My Beloved. I want to cleanse your heart and purify your motives so that your beauty will break forth.

Wherever the Masterpiece of who I created you to be has become dulled. Wherever My image in you has been covered over by the soot of this world, I will partner with you to remove the debris and restore your full expression.

The longer you linger with Me, the more riches you will find in the treasure of who you are.

I know that people in your life have fallen short of loving you the way I wanted them to. This planted seeds in your life that grew up to be bitter fruit.

As you cry out to Me for cleansing, from My Presence I will disperse My angels to work on your behalf. They will take the rotten fruit from your life as you surrender it to Me. Give it to Me for it is worthless.

You are not worthless. It's the bitter fruit that's good for nothing.

My angels will also remove the familiar spirits that have caused the negative patterns in your life to continue. Once the bitter fruit is removed, the familiar spirits will no longer be able to feed off of that. Neither will they be able to speak their lies to your heart and mind. Nor will they be able to instigate people to treat you in dishonorable ways any longer.

It's over! The curses in your life will be over! And I will place My fiery messengers, My angels, to stand guard at the gates of your life and they will lead you in the plan I have for you. You will move from surviving to overcoming, from going through life to living the abundant life I intended for you.

As each of My children work with Me and cry out for cleansing and purity, I will bring you freedom and joy like you've never known. This was Our plan of redemption from the beginning.

So come away with Me, My Beloved and I will show you great and wonderful things you have not seen before- in Me and in yourself. Then you will overflow with My love and courageously fulfill your destiny.

My heart is not that you will just linger for a while, but rather My hope is that you will abide and remain with Me.

Will you stay?

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Walk In Unity! Prophecy No. 36

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Now is the time to come together as the Body of Christ. It is not a time to strengthen denominational lines, but rather, come to Me with singleness of heart and mind.

Fix your eyes on Me, not on your rules and regulations or your sectarian pride!

I'm not coming back for individual churches but for a Bride without spot or wrinkle.

Be mature! Iron out your differences! Work together!

There's a whole world out there to save....
that not one would be left out,
that not one would go hungry,
that not one would be alone!

For I place the solitary child in My family. I care for the orphans and the widows. Follow My lead. This is true religion.

Oh that My Bride would dwell together in unity.

Oh that My Body would function cohesively in health.

Oh that My Children would get along!

STOP judging each other and START affirming one another!

For I have placed in each one of you a vital part of Myself, qualities that the world needs.

No one person can do it all. Neither have I asked one person to.

Grow Up!
Get Together!
Go Out and touch the world with My love!

(Psalm 68:5-6 & 133:1; Hebrews 12:1-2; Ephesians 4:1-6, 15-16 & 5:7; Phil. 2:`-4; Matt. 7:1; James 4:11-12 & 5:9 and I Cor. 12:14-26)