Lion of Judah

Lion of Judah
See His Heart. Hear His Voice. Join us once a month for a new prophecy and painting.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Me and You- Prophecy No. 43

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You are not alone! You are firmly planted in Me beside the streams of living waters.

I will supply!

I will expand your ministry, territory and influence.

You will prosper because of My incorruptible, unstoppable seed that is in you. It will burst through the resistance of this life, push away the dirt and break forth into its fullness.

Only rest in Me, My work and My power.

You would be surprised how much I can do through you, only if you will let Me.

What I need from you is your cooperation.

So come. Let's spend time together. I have so much to show you, so much to give to you and so much to pour through you.

Come. I am waiting.

(Psalm 1; Phil. 4:19; 1 Chron. 4:10; 1 Peter 1:23; Zech. 4:6; Song of Sol. 7:10-13).

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I Choose You- Prophecy No. 42

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My child, I choose you and I save to the uttermost.

My arms are not too short to reach to you where you are!

Hear oh islands, You are not out of my sight. Those of you who feel isolated and alone, I see you. Receive My comfort.

My Son chose His 12 disciples and 1 of them was Simon the Canaanite. I told My people when they went into the Promised Land to utterly destroy those who worshipped other gods. Because My children were disobedient, the Canaanites remain to this day.

However, to show My unending, unconditional love, My Son chose a Canaanite.

It doesn't matter what your heritage is or what you or your ancestors have done.


Nothing can separate you from My love.

(Hebrews 7:25; Isaiah 11:11-12, 42:4&10, 49:1, 59:1; 2 Cor. 1:3-4; Exodus 22:20 & 23:23-33; Mark 3:18; John 15:15-16; Romans 8:31-39)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I Will- Prophecy No. 41

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When you call upon Me in the middle of your troubles, I WILL:

Answer you. (Psalm 86:7)

Deliver you. (Psalm 50:15)

Revive you. (Psalm 138:7)

Help you. (Psalm 46:1-3)

Hide you. (Psalm 27:5)

Save you. (Isaiah 32:2)

Satisfy you. (Psalm 91:16)

Be your stronghold. (Nahum 1:7)

Be your refuge. (Psalm 59:16)

Be your strength. (Psalm 37:39-40)

Bring you honor. (Psalm 91:15)

Comfort you. (2 Cor. 1:3-4)

And give you rest! (2 Thess. 1:7)

I have told you these things so that in Me you might have peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulations, frustrations, stress, pressures, oppression, anguish, adversities and crushing circumstances. However, be of good cheer, take courage and be certain that I have overcome the world and deprived it of its power to demolish you for I have conquered it for you.

I WILL make very wrong right and bring justice to every circumstance. Trust me for I am at work to turn everything around for My good and for your benefit.

Watch and see what I WILL do for you. I love you!

(John 16:33; Deut. 32:4; Romans 8:28-29)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Abide with Me- Prophecy No.40

My Child, My Precious One,

If you continually turn to Me, behold My face and ask My Spirit to be involved in everything you are going through, then:

You will not be shaken or moved from your place of security in Me and I will be right by your side to help you. I will consistently assist you.

Then your heart will be glad and you will always have great stories to tell others about how I intervened for you.

As you purpose to anchor yourself in My Presence, then you will rest in the hope that I am good, I am for you and I will never abandon you.

My Son did not suffer needlessly, die a brutal death on a cross and then be resurrected so you would be left with your soul wounds and believing lies about yourself.

My Son died so that you may live!

I will not let you, My holy one, undergo death or decay in any part of who you are. Neither will I let you stay in your limitations!

I have made you magnificently! YOU ARE IMMENSE!

You are a treasure and I have a job for you to do on this earth.

Open up your sprit to me, listen for My voice and I will give you direction.

I will make known to you the path of life. As you walk with Me, in My Presence you will receive joy and My joy will give you strength.

So invite My Spirit to help you each step of the way and you will see the glorious things we can accomplish together.

(Acts 2:25-28; Hebrews 6:19 & 12:1-2 & 13:5; John 14:16-21 & 26-27; Genesis 28:15; John 10:10; Psalm 139)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Receive Me Freshly- Prophecy No. 39

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Pentecost has never stopped. My Spirit continues to fall freshly upon My disciples throughout the earth.

So open now to receive Me.

My winds are still blowing to cleanse and empower you.

The sound of heaven and My heart can still be heard around the world.

The mighty unseen power of My Spirit is being poured out to every open individual, city and nation.

So open now to receive Me.

I am also releasing My fire to ignite your heart with love and to burn away the dross, the chaff and any unnecessary things from your life.

Open now to receive this.

When you are freshly filled with My Spirit, you will speak in different tongues. The tongues I am referring to here are not just when you are praying in the Spirit, but so you can speak in a way that all can hear My heart.

When you speak to a child, you must speak in a language they can understand.

When you speak to a homeless person or a refugee or a prisoner or a poor person or a rich one or a bank teller or a business owner or a house cleaner, to a male or a female, to kings and queens or magistrates and city officials, whatever the person's lot is in life, you must speak to them in a language they can understand and relate to.

No more cookie cutter pat answers!

No more intolerant, judgmental and uncompassionate deliveries!

You must cry out for the move of My Spirit every time for each person, people group and nation.

That means you can't be self-sufficient anymore, leaning on your own understanding or ideas!

Tap into the depths of My creative solutions and strategies.

Mine the depths of My heart, My understanding, wisdom and counsel, My discernment, discretion, discrimination and so on as you relate to each individual.

Like someone searching for gold or like a coal miner, drill into the wealth of My Being. Retrieve the light producing energy, data and precious resources and deliver My riches to all people.

When you delve into the abundance of My Being, you will also return to earth having discovered the treasures I have placed within you.

So receive My Spirit, My heart, My breath of life, the sound of heaven, My power, My fire, My love, fresh revelations, solutions and strategies.

Receive now the riches of My Being and the knowledge of your worth so you can speak the Good News with confidence in a language each person can hear, receive and understand.

Receive Me freshly, so we together can change the world!

(Acts 2; Psalm 147:18; Ez. 37:9; John 3:16; Romans 5:5; Mal. 3:2-3; 1 Cor. 9: 19-23 & 12: 4-11; Matt. 23:23; Zech. 4:6; Pov. 1: 2-5, 23 & 3:5-6 and Prov. 2)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Worship Is Warfare- Prophecy No. 38

Just a reminder:

I won!

It's over!

Just worship Me.

Worship is warfare.

I inhabit, abide in and am released to move when you worship Me. Worship defeats the enemy and is less exhausting than direct warfare.

So lift Me up and watch the strongholds come down. Watch bodies be healed. Watch circumstances change.

Praise Me and watch hope arise, anxieties decrease and depression lift.

Even just saying the name of Jesus can close porn shops, psychic/tarot reading businesses and change a city.

So sing out and speak My name.

Do you realize how powerful speaking My name and worship is?

(Psalm 22:3; 2 Chron. 20:1-30)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Come Away My Beloved- Prophecy No. 37

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Come away with Me, My Beloved. I want to cleanse your heart and purify your motives so that your beauty will break forth.

Wherever the Masterpiece of who I created you to be has become dulled. Wherever My image in you has been covered over by the soot of this world, I will partner with you to remove the debris and restore your full expression.

The longer you linger with Me, the more riches you will find in the treasure of who you are.

I know that people in your life have fallen short of loving you the way I wanted them to. This planted seeds in your life that grew up to be bitter fruit.

As you cry out to Me for cleansing, from My Presence I will disperse My angels to work on your behalf. They will take the rotten fruit from your life as you surrender it to Me. Give it to Me for it is worthless.

You are not worthless. It's the bitter fruit that's good for nothing.

My angels will also remove the familiar spirits that have caused the negative patterns in your life to continue. Once the bitter fruit is removed, the familiar spirits will no longer be able to feed off of that. Neither will they be able to speak their lies to your heart and mind. Nor will they be able to instigate people to treat you in dishonorable ways any longer.

It's over! The curses in your life will be over! And I will place My fiery messengers, My angels, to stand guard at the gates of your life and they will lead you in the plan I have for you. You will move from surviving to overcoming, from going through life to living the abundant life I intended for you.

As each of My children work with Me and cry out for cleansing and purity, I will bring you freedom and joy like you've never known. This was Our plan of redemption from the beginning.

So come away with Me, My Beloved and I will show you great and wonderful things you have not seen before- in Me and in yourself. Then you will overflow with My love and courageously fulfill your destiny.

My heart is not that you will just linger for a while, but rather My hope is that you will abide and remain with Me.

Will you stay?

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Walk In Unity! Prophecy No. 36

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Now is the time to come together as the Body of Christ. It is not a time to strengthen denominational lines, but rather, come to Me with singleness of heart and mind.

Fix your eyes on Me, not on your rules and regulations or your sectarian pride!

I'm not coming back for individual churches but for a Bride without spot or wrinkle.

Be mature! Iron out your differences! Work together!

There's a whole world out there to save....
that not one would be left out,
that not one would go hungry,
that not one would be alone!

For I place the solitary child in My family. I care for the orphans and the widows. Follow My lead. This is true religion.

Oh that My Bride would dwell together in unity.

Oh that My Body would function cohesively in health.

Oh that My Children would get along!

STOP judging each other and START affirming one another!

For I have placed in each one of you a vital part of Myself, qualities that the world needs.

No one person can do it all. Neither have I asked one person to.

Grow Up!
Get Together!
Go Out and touch the world with My love!

(Psalm 68:5-6 & 133:1; Hebrews 12:1-2; Ephesians 4:1-6, 15-16 & 5:7; Phil. 2:`-4; Matt. 7:1; James 4:11-12 & 5:9 and I Cor. 12:14-26)

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Breath of God- Prophecy No. 35

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"I formed man out of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man
became a living being. Then I planted a Garden and placed My creation there." (Genesis 2:7-8)

I, the Ancient of Days, am Life. So I tenderly and joyfully shared My own breath with Adam and Eve.
I literally taught them how to breathe when I created them. It was a part of My original design. While
music resounded and angels sang, I created.

The celebration of My breath continues. My child, you are worth celebrating for My breath is in you.

If you find yourself depleted, weary or dry, call for My breath to come.

As it was with My servant Ezekiel who found himself in the valley of dry bones, I ask you, "Can I make dry bones live?"
I am able to do above and beyond what you could ask or think, but you must call to Me.

Cry out, "Breath of LIfe, breath on me that I might live."

Or pray for others, "Come breath of Life and breathe on these slain ones that they might live again."

My precious ones, I will open your graves and take you out of your exhaustion and exile. I will cause you to rise up
again, return to your own land and be filled with My Spirit." (Ezekiel 37:1-14)

I breathed My breath into mankind that you would receive My life. I breathed upon the dry bones to show you I could
give you redemption. Finally, Jesus' breath seals you with Our greatest Gift.

After My Son's resurrection, He appeared to the disciples and said, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent Me,
I also send you." Then Jesus breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit." (John 20:19-22)

The original creation before the Fall began with My breath. The new Creation and Covenant was established with the breath of My Son. His breath anoints you and fills you with the Spirit that you might bring Our kingdom upon the earth.

Receive the Breath of Life!

(John 1:4; Eph. 3:20; Daniel 7:9-10 & 21-27; Jer. 33:3 and Romans 5:5)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Return to Glory- It is Finished! Prophecy No. 34

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Alyson: I was taking communion at my kitchen counter and I asked the Lord to give me more revelation
about what He had accomplished on the cross and what He meant by "Do this in remembrance of Me."

Immediately I was transported to the Throne Room before the foundation of the world and I was overhearing a conversation that went something like this:

The Father: WIll You go to earth?
Jesus: Yes Father, I will go to earth.

The Father: Will you become a fetus and be born in a virgin's womb?
Jesus: Yes Father, I will become a fetus.

The Father: WIll You be born into poverty?
Jesus: Yes Father, I will be born into poverty.

The Father: WIll You grow in wisdom and stature and favor?
Jesus: Yes Father, I will grow in wisdom and stature and favor.

The Father: Will You live a sinless life?
Jesus: Yes Father, I will live a sinless life.

The Father: Will You pay a debt You do not owe, for a people who owe a debt they cannot pay?
Jesus: Yes Father, I will pay that debt.

The Father: WIll You shed Your blood to establish the New Covenant between Us and mankind?
Jesus: Yes Father, I will be the sacrificial Lamb once and for all. I will shed My blood.

The Father: Will You be beaten for everyone one on earth that will ever be physically abused so You can empathize with them and get that pain off of them?
Jesus: Yes Father, I will be physically beaten.

The Father: Will You be verbally abused to take the effects of verbal abuse off of Our creation?
Jesus: Yes Father, I will be verbally abused.

The Father: Will You be sexually abused? My Son, they will rip Your clothes off in public and humiliate You. WIll You go through that so You can set those free that will suffer that kind of trauma and even worse sexual abuse?
Jesus: Yes Father, I will allow that to happen to Me to stand in for those who are traumatized by sexual abuse.

The Father: WIll You be hated without cause, rejected, despised, mocked, spit on, shamed, treated with contempt and betrayed by someone close to you? WIll You be acquainted with grief that You might remove the sorrows that will weigh on Our children's hearts? WIll You carry the sickness of both body and heart upon Yourself? WIll You bear the stripes so Our creation can be healed? Will You be wounded for their sins, rebellions and iniquities?
Jesus: Yes Father, all of these I will bear.

The Father: My Son, when You are carrying all of this in Your body on the cross, You will not be able to feel My Presence. WIll You feel forsaken by Me for all those who will feel I have abandoned and forsaken them?
Jesus: Yes Father, I will feel utterly forsaken that I might empathize with those who feel You have forsaken them.

The Father: We are Pure Justice and justice must be served for the people's sins. Will You take the blows and the chastisement for everyone on earth who will not apologize or repent nor make restitution for the wrongs they have committed against another human being? Will You take my vengeance?
Jesus: Yes Father, I will receive the blows for everyone on earth for all time who will not own their part and make things right.

The Father: And My Son, Co-Creator of the Universe, will You become a curse by dying a brutal death on a cross to get the curses off of Our children?
Jesus: Yes Father, I will carry those curses to get them off Our creation.

And so Jesus died a brutal death on the cross. He made atonement for everything that every human being has ever done or ever will do on earth that fell short of His glory. He also died for the sins that would be committed against each of us so that He could heal us and set us free.

Jesus went to the grave and into the bowels of the earth to take back the keys of hell and death from the enemy. When Jesus got the keys, He went to every prison and dungeon and to all the places where the enemy had trapped us because of sin or from all the abuses that we had suffered and He opened the prison doors that will might be raised to life with Him.

Then Jesus rose from the dead and ascended to heaven to go back to be with His Father.

At this point, I saw another vision.

Jesus flew like lightning and faster than the speed of light to go back to the Father. When He was approaching the Throne Room, the angles and the hosts of heaven were lining the path to the throne. The angels were cheering and shouting with delight at the return of the Son of God, the Creator of the Universe like one who had just finished a race.

When Jesus locked eyes with His Father, He could see His Father's joy and pleasure and He knew that His Father was proud of Him.

Jesus shouted, "We did it Father! It is finished! What We planned before the foundation of the world has been accomplished." Then Jesus sat down next to the Father on His throne and They celebrated the completion of Their eternal plan that They had established before the foundation of the world to reconcile and adopt Their sons and daughters back into their family.

Jesus said Yes to the Father many times before the foundation of the world.

Jesus said Yes to the Father many times while He was on earth.

To take communion in remembrance of Jesus is to remember all the times Jesus said Yes to the Father.

Go and do likewise and LIVE!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

My Goodness is the Key- Prophecy No. 33

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I Declare That:

The nearness of God is my good. ((Psalm 73:28)

It is the Father's good pleasure to give me the Kingdom. (Luke 12:32)

All Your ways are good Father and I will reverence You.

Then You will guide me in what is best and I will be prosperous and dwell in Your goodness. (Psalm 25: 10-13)

Father You have given me everything that I need to walk in Your ways and to live my life to its fullest! (2 Peter 1:3)

God fights for me and I rest in His peace! (Exodus 14:14)

Everything the enemy intended for destruction in my life, Father You are turning it around for the good not only for me but for the lives of those around me. (Genesis 50:20)

Your Kingdom will come in my life today on earth as it is in heaven! (Matthew 6:10)

And I declare that- That's the goodness of God! Your Kingdom come Papa-health, joy, wisdom, understanding, dominion, honor, vision, favor, sound and restful sleep, safety, unity, peace and more revelation about You and who I am in You!

Turn the key and release Your goodness upon me now and those I love!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Embracing Life- Prophecy No. 32

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Repeat After Me and Decree:

I have the Mind of Christ to think through things from Your perspective Jesus. (1 Cor. 1:16)

I have the Memory of the Holy Spirit to recall Your ways O God and to live according to Your Word. (John 14:26)

I am open to wisdom and revelations into the true knowledge of who You are Father. (Ephesians 1:17)

I am hungry to daily receive experiential knowledge of Your deep and everlasting love for me. (Jer. 31:3)

I declare that my days going forward will be greater than the days I have already lived! (Ezekiel 36:11)

I declare that You Father will perfect and mature all that concerns me. (Psalm 138:8)

I declare that I am the apple of Your eye Father. I am always in the center of Your heart and Your attention!
(Deut. 32:10)

Because of Your favor O God good things are going to happen to me today! (Luke 11:32 & Deut. 28:12)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Repeat After Me- Prophecy No. 31

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Repeat After Me and Decree:

All will be well with me and I will be happy. I will enjoy the fruit of my labors. (Psalm 128:2)

I will show honor and regard for You Lord and so I will increase in confidence!

I will admire You Father and Your ways and as a result, I will drink from the rivers of living waters and my emptiness will be filled.

Then I will rest in safety and not drink from the poisenous wells! (Proverbs 14:26-27)

I will walk in truth and kindness, forsaking all selfishness and hypocrisy. Then I will find favor with God and man.

I will trust in You Jesus with all my heart. I will acknowledge You Father in all I do and not try to figure things out on my own. Then You will direct my path.

I will humbly adore You my Savior and run from evil. Then I will have health in my body and strength in my bones!

I will honor You Lord with my wealth and the best part of everything I produce. Then my storehouses will be filled with plenty and my vats will overflow with the new wine of the Spirit. (Proverbs 3:3-9)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Good Shepherd- Prophecy No. 30

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Dear One, you are My treasure and you belong to Me. Stay by My side for there is safety in My fold.

With My staff, I will guide you. I will lead you beside the still waters that you may rest. I will settle you in a lush place.

I will restore your soul from the effects of the valley of the shadow of death. If you are afraid or anxious, paralyzed or frozen, I will hold you until you come back to life.

Your enemies will look on as I nourish and replenish you at My table. They will not come near you for My rod will keep every danger away.

I will anoint your head with oil so that your face will beam again with joy. Hold out your cup for I will fill it to overflowing.

My disposition towards you is always kindness and mercy, even when your behavior demands consequences.

You shall not lack for any good thing, because no matter what, I will be extravagant in My love towards you!

So declare with Me now- because God is my good Shepherd, surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life!

(Psalm 23)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Spring is here. Enjoy! Prophecy No. 29

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Beloved, I come for you in your wilderness places.

When you're feeling empty and directionless, when the land around you is uncultivated and you don't know where to start, I will come.

I will split the rock open and give you an abundance. You will drink deeply and receive all you need from My unending springs.

I will fill you up to overflowing.

I will give you clarity and direction.

What once was barren, we will cultivate together and you will see new growth soon.

The winter has passed. Spring is upon you.

Go outside. Listen to the birds. Smell the flowers. Enjoy the sunlight.

Enjoy Me!

Enjoy yourself!

Just enjoy!

(Psalm 78:15, 85:8-13 & 37:4; John 6:35; Prov. 3:5-6 & 28:19; Jer. 4:3; Is. 42:9 & Mark 12:30-31)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Be My Valentine! Prophecy No. 28

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Loved One, you are My glory and joy! I love to brag about you to My angels. I release strength to you now and I bless you with peace.

For I AM your strength and your saving refuge. I am shepherding you with wisdom and I will carry you when you are unable to go on.

Come to Me and I will empower you. In Me, you can also find rest. Know that I am your portion and there is an endless supply of everything you need. Receive your inheritance which I am incrementally releasing to you.

So come, let us meet together for both your strength and your rest are found in Me alone.

I am the strength of your heart and I love you deeply!

Will you be My Valentine?

(1 Thess. 2:20; Psalm 29:11, 16:5-9, 40:31 & 73:26)

Monday, January 31, 2011

The Greatest Love Story- Prophecy No. 27

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Hear My heart. My story begins in a Garden and ends in a city with a wedding. The Garden of Eden was a place where I shared a deep and mutual relationship with Adam and Eve.

I sent My Son to restore that intimacy between Me and My creation and more specifically between you and I. My heart longs for a closer relationship with you.

Come back to the Garden.

Come back to intimacy with Me where you can receive My care for you. As you draw near to Me,

I will wipe away every tear from your eyes now. That's how close I want to be to you.

I want to take your sorrow and give you comfort instead.

I want to bring you through to the other side of your painful circumstances.

But not only that, I want you to flow in creativity and receive revelations.

I want you to move in My power and authority and dominion just like at the beginning in the Garden.

You are My living stones, vibrant with life, who are being built up as a spiritual house and a holy priesthood.

Offer to Me spiritual sacrifices. As you obey My commands, all of who you are will drink from the rain of heaven and I will bless the work of your hands and prosper you.

Indeed there will be a great exchange like nothing you've ever experienced before. Intimacy instead of rituals. Beauty for ashes. Blessings for obediece.

All who mutually engage with Me will be prepared as a Bride adorned for her Husband.

Meet Me in the Garden and I will adorn you in the holy city for the great wedding.

Know that I love you!

I love all people in every place. So work with Me to transform cities as a part of My kingdom activity now in preparation for living with Me forever in the heavenly city.

Invite as many as you can to join us in the joy of this great celebration.

Let the preparations begin!

(Genesis 1:26-2:24; Rev. 21:2-7; Deut. 11:11-15; 1 Peter 2:5; Isaiah 61:3; Psalm 87).

Monday, January 10, 2011

You Are My Masterpiece- Prophecy No. 26

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You are My creation, My masterpiece.

Before the foundation of the world, I, the Father, My Son and My Spirit decided to have a family. So we joyfully conceived of, invested in and created who you would be.

With precise intention, purpose, delicacy, love and utter extravagant taste, we took out of Our very nature and weaved into you, exquisite child, all the qualities that you would carry.

You are Our poem. There is a rhyme and a reason to your life. You have meaning and a purpose and you are going somewhere.

You carry a fragrance and a sound and you reflect the many colors of Our being which expresses Our nature and Our character qualities.

Arise! Let your light shine for My glory is upon you!

No weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue which rises against you in judgment, YOU SHALL CONDEMN.

I spoke you into existence. I created who you would be and what I say goes.

Synchronize and agree with who I say that you are. I want to teach you how to condemn the words that have come against who I say that you are.

Ask Me for the wisdom and power and I will give it to you. But I want you to do it. I want you to reject the lies and the words that challenge who you are.

So ask Me to reveal who you really are so you can reject the lies. When you know you are My masterpiece and you believe it, you will be fulfilled and do great and beautiful things.


(Genesis 1:26-31; Psalm 139; Eph. 2:10; 2 Cor. 2:14; Isaiah 60:1, 54:17 & 55:11; Psalm 93 and James 1:5 & 4:7; 2 Cor. 12:9-10)